Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 11

Today is day 11 and the first day off in this rotation. This morning I weighed in at 211.4 for a total of 9.4 pounds so far!! I"m so very happy with the results so far. having 3 days on a plan and then 4 days off really helps. Funny thing is, I don't go crazy on the days off because I don't want to screw it all up. I know eventually the weight loss has to slow down but for now I'm on a great ride. This is the lowest point I got to last time I did Dukan and this is far easier to follow and deal with. I will be soooooo happy if I can finally get below 200. I haven't been there in many years. Well time to get this day going!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

First week completed

I'm quite happy! I was actually down another .8 so that brought me to a total of 6.6 pounds lost for the week. Today I start back into the 3 days on so hopefully the scale will continue to move! Still haven't taken measurements yet.

Monday, January 14, 2013

First week....

I completed the first week and did really well. I lost a total of 5.8 pounds. Today is my last day of the off days and then I will go back to the 3 days on, etc... I've felt really good and my energy level has been pretty good too. So far I'm really liking this. I just feel like I'm changing my eating habits more than just dieting. That's a good thing. I haven't done my measurements for the week yet. I need to go in and do that and see if I lost any inches.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 3

So after the first 2 days I am down 4.2 pounds. Cool! I started at 220.6 and today I was at 216.4. I took measurements before I started too but I'm not going to check those until tomorrow so it can be measured at the full 3 days. I think I will start trying to plan out my 4 days off so I don't totally blow it. So far this hasn't been bad. I've been hungry at night but that's because I'm used to eating and snacking at night which is a really bad habit. Plus I've noticed that I'm not on the computer as much because I want to keep busy so I don't think about being hungry. It's a nice added bonus. I'm thinking today that I may even go in and get on the treadmill and see how it goes! What I like about this little diet is it doesn't cut anything out. I'm not eating only meat or just veggies, etc...I eat bread and meat and cheese and eggs and fruit. I just eat small amounts of everything. Well time to get on with my day!

at it yet again!!

A few days ago I decided that something had to give...again. I just feel horrible and my weight is just rising and rising and I could feel it in my clothes and see it in my body and face. So while I was on pintrest I found a post for a 3 day military diet. It sounded do-able so I started it. In the morning I will begin day 3. Then I do 4 days off and then back on for 3. I'll see how it goes. So far it's not bad, but I have been quite hungry. Most times I think it's just in my head because I know I can't eat and I've gotten so used to snacking, but hopefully it will get better as my stomach shrinks. I do look forward to day 4 when I can eat a few more normal items though! Hopefully stress won't get in the way. Facing the possibility of losing our home is really stressing me out. I just have to hope for the best at this point and pray that it doesn't happen. I honestly don't know what I'll do if it does or where we'll go. But one day at a time!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh good heaven's!!!

So the scale moved today! In the wrong dam direction!!! WTH??!! I know I feel all bloated and yucky so I'm sure it's a PMS related thing, but still!!! :o(   To go from 211.8 up to 213.2 was heartbreaking to see. Gonna keep plugging along no matter what but this scale really needs to start being nice already!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

same shit...different day

Except that I was finally able to go to the bathroom! Good heavens I was starting to feel horrible. I haven't had any heart pounding and dizziness issues today either. At least not yet so I'm hopeful that I won't. I did a mini ball workout yesterday which felt good. I didn't want to go all out with it because I have to work and I didn't want to be really sore. I am only pleasantly sore today so I did good. I worked out again today. I will need to get heavier weights soon. I don't know what happened to my 10 pound weights. Well I will worry about that when the time comes. Now it's time to go figure out what I'm going to wear to work and make a dinner to take with me.


Ok so my scale is being a total asshole! I just can't believe how hard it is for me to lose weight with this thyroid condition! You'd think the medication would help, but no such luck. Well no matter how bad I want to, I won't give up. I will never beat this if I keep giving up or letting things get in my way. I have to just plug along and keep at it. I don't see how the scale isn't moving, but whatever, it has to at some point. The pants I wore to work tonight were swimming on me so it's working. I guess I just have to accept the fact that it isn't going to happen over night no matter how hard I work. I finally got around to making cheese cake today and it was horrible. Not sure what went wrong but YUCK!! I'll probably try to make it again tomorrow if I have time. I feel like an epic failure this week. I'm so tired and I can't seem to get the bare necessities done. I hate that. All the rest of the week I work until midnight so it's only going to get harder and I don't have a day off until Monday. Well it's almost 1:30am so I guess I should finish up my computer stuff and get to bed.

Monday, August 20, 2012

sammmmme weight!!

For yet another day I am the same weight so this morning I decided to take my measurements. I've lost an inch off of my chest, and inch off of my waist, a half in off my hips, a half an inch off my right bicep, half an inch off my my right forearm and an inch and a half off of my thigh!! That's pretty cool!! I'm off today which is my only day off this week. Unfortunately I have to do all protein today. It kills me because I know I have cream of broccoli soup in there that I'd love to eat!! But I want the scale to move so protein it is! I need to run to the store today and see if I can find an exercise ball already!! I really want to start doing my ball workout again.

I made an omelet for breakfast

lunch I made crepes with oat bran, wheat bran, greek yogurt and egg. It made 3 but I only ate one. I rolled up my turkey and cheese in it and sliced it up like I would if it were in a tortilla.

I took my vitamin with my lunch (I bought more of the kind I've been taking that don't make me sick) and so far so good! Guess my stomach just can't handle the other brand while I"m dieting.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Ok I have been at the same exact dam weight for 3 days now and I have hardly eaten anything!! Grrrrrrr..... I remember doing the same thing years ago on Nutrisystem. I would only lose weight around the time I had my period and that was all the weight I would lose for the whole month. was torture sometimes and it is torture now!! I am soooo sick of seeing 211.8!! I was hoping I'd hop on there this morning and get to see 209 or something! Ah well, I know it will happen in time. I work today so I know I'll be running around a lot, it's still frustrating as hell though!! I want this weight gone and I want it gone now!!! Yeah I'm not real patient! It would be great to be able to lose like 2 pounds a day. LOL! Well one can wish right?! Well I'm not due to start my period for about 2 weeks so I better not stay at the same weight that long!

Well this is going to be a crazy week! I have to work all week and try to get the kids ready for school. We have to get this doctor mess figured out with Jonathan so he can get his physical and go to school. Sigh....stress is not good for weight loss!! Now I have to try to get myself in a better frame of mind before I go to work. It's going to be a lonnnnnnnnggggg day today! I just hope Jackie doesn't call out because I really don't want to be stuck up there by myself after 7 or 8. Must keep thoughts positive!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Off today!

I think this may be one of the first times I'm actually off on a Saturday! I put in to have it off and I have to say it's wonderful!! Of course I slept half the dam day but that's the norm these days. I will have to change my sleep habits though because school starts again soon.

Well much to my dismay my weight was the same this morning. 211.8. I know it's better than a gain, especially since yesterday was a veggie day, but I barely ate anything and I ran around work a lot so I got a lot of exercise in. I do need to do my measurements though. I don't figure I need to do them more than once a week or so. I have to remind myself that my weight is not going to change every day. If that were the case then I'd be at my goal weight really quickly! Well I guess it's time to get busy!!

Oh my! I think I've pinned down what occasionally makes me throw up out of the blue! I did it again this morning and it seems to be my vitamins. I changed brands because they were out of mine and instead of waiting until after I ate to take them, I took them because I knew I was going to eat a little bit later and figured it would be ok. NOT!! Within a few minutes of taking them I knew I was going to throw up and had to literally run to the bathroom. It sucked because I had nothing else in my stomach except for a little iced tea. So now I finally just got through eating for the first time today and it's after 3!! Sigh......ah well, it is what it is. I made an omelet but didn't eat it because I got too full from the cream of broccoli soup that I made and ate a cup of first. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Veggie day!!!

Yahoooo!! It's veggie day! But first things first......I was down a total of 6.4 pounds as of this morning! I now have 43.8 pounds to go. Gosh that seems so daunting but I'm just gonna take it step by step and day by day. I have 159 days in this phase of the program. I'm setting my my first major goal at getting below 200. I have 11.8 pounds to go to get there and I know I can do it!!

OMG I finally ate! It was silly but there was just so much more of a choice of what I could eat that I couldn't decide what to eat! I ended up making an omelet with ham, 75% ff sharp cheddar cheese and veggies. I finally got to use a yummy zucchini that I've been dying to eat, as well as some roasted red peppers, onion, and mushrooms. Absolute heaven!! I also sliced a tomato and ate that. I'm stuffed! Now I need to figure out what I'm going to make to take to work. I also need to make something with the oat bran. Maybe I'll make a oat bar or something. I remember seeing a recipe for something like that somewhere.