Saturday, August 18, 2012

Off today!

I think this may be one of the first times I'm actually off on a Saturday! I put in to have it off and I have to say it's wonderful!! Of course I slept half the dam day but that's the norm these days. I will have to change my sleep habits though because school starts again soon.

Well much to my dismay my weight was the same this morning. 211.8. I know it's better than a gain, especially since yesterday was a veggie day, but I barely ate anything and I ran around work a lot so I got a lot of exercise in. I do need to do my measurements though. I don't figure I need to do them more than once a week or so. I have to remind myself that my weight is not going to change every day. If that were the case then I'd be at my goal weight really quickly! Well I guess it's time to get busy!!

Oh my! I think I've pinned down what occasionally makes me throw up out of the blue! I did it again this morning and it seems to be my vitamins. I changed brands because they were out of mine and instead of waiting until after I ate to take them, I took them because I knew I was going to eat a little bit later and figured it would be ok. NOT!! Within a few minutes of taking them I knew I was going to throw up and had to literally run to the bathroom. It sucked because I had nothing else in my stomach except for a little iced tea. So now I finally just got through eating for the first time today and it's after 3!! Sigh......ah well, it is what it is. I made an omelet but didn't eat it because I got too full from the cream of broccoli soup that I made and ate a cup of first. 

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