Saturday, July 16, 2011

Scale woes...

Really?? Again?? I have bought countless scales over the years and I'm so tired of them messing up! Everytime I get a digital scale it will weigh you different everytime you get on it and even more so if you move it around the floor. What the hell? How am I sapposed to know what I weigh and be able to keep track of it?? I swear the next time I get a scale I'm getting a cheap ol dial one!! I weighed this morning and I must have gotten 4 or 5 different weights and they vary a few pounds and when you're dieting that's a pretty big deal!! So to be on the safe side I guess I will just go with the heaviest weight. You'd really think when you spend 40 or 50 dollars on a scale that it would work properly for heaven's sake!!

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