Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 11

WOW I can't believe it's day 11 already! I'm getting really used to this now and that makes it much easier. I worked on that bun this morning and I'm really happy with it! It came out so big that I was able to cut it in half twice and make it so I can make 2 sandwiches out of it! I made it a rye bun this time by adding caraway seeds to it and used the first half to make a breakfast sandwich. I'll either use the other half with lunch or dinner. It's fabulous toasted up which is what I did for the breakfast sandwich. I topped it with an egg, turkey bacon and ff cheddar cheese. YUM!!

Lunch-Turkey roast, LCL cheese wedge, and I cheated and had a small cup of cream of broccoli soup (diet of course but it's not a veggie day)

Dinner-Grilled pork chop (lean white meat) other half of bun from breakfast and 2 egg whites. This has also been a jello day! I'm having a horrible sweet tooth and I'm trying soooooo hard to stay away from anything chocolate or sweet!!! I sure hope this passes tomorrow!!

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