Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 12

The darn scale just won't move for me lately! I'm hanging in there though because I feel fabulous and I'm about to start my period soon which will help as well! I should also note that I haven't been working out either so I really can't complain too much!!  I also was just thinking about it this morning and realized that I'm constipated as well having not gone to the bathroom for more days than I can remember, so I guess I should take something for that as well. Luckily today is a veggie day! A good friend of mine was telling me yesterday to hang in there no matter what too. She was talking about a time where she went for like a month with no loss and she was working out an hour a day on her tread climber as well as dieting!! That really inspired me to keep at it, because of course the scale DID eventually start to move again. All those times in the past where I gave up when the scale stopped moving, if I would have just kept at it at least I wouldn't have kept putting on the weight and I'd have a hell of a lot less to lose now!!

Well today is a veggie day as I said, and I have no idea what I'm going to eat today! I got my home made ketchup made yesterday and today I"m going to make some sugar free jalapeno jelly. I think I'm going to try to make a zucchini bread out of my bread recipe I did yesterday. But I"m not sure because I'm just not sure it will turn out like I want.  Well see, I'm not really hungry yet and I have to take Brandon to work at 9:30 so I will probably be eating late again!

Brunch- Made a new recipe today for a zucchini bread so I ate half of that. I also had a couple slices of turkey loaf, a small salad, a sliced up radish, a couple of small sliced up garden tomatoes and a small bowl of cream of broccoli soup. It was a wonderful smorgesboard of yummys!!! LOL!! I'm so stuffed!!!

Lunch- ate a really late one! I finished eating at just before 5!! I had similar to what I had earlier. Turkey loaf, slices tomatoes, cream of broccoli soup and the other half of the zucchini bread. I finally got the jalapeno jelly made it it's sooo good! I'm a happy camper!!! At this rate dinner won't be until close to midnight!! LOL!

Dinner- as I figured, I didn't actually eat until midnight! Aw well. It's was a wonderful food day as far as really enjoying every bit of food that I ate. I had a bit of a cheat for dinner being that I had meatloaf for dinner. Yeah I know meatloaf is allowed, but I had the meatloaf I made the family so it had a little bread crumb in it. I didn't have much though and it was sooo good! I've really enjoyed my veggies and salads today too . Tomarrow is an all protein day so it won't be quite as exciting, but it's just another day and it's only food. It's amazing how different my outlook on food is now. I'm also quite happy that the constipation ended today! Yayyyy!! Ok well my dog is driving me nuts wanting up in my lap so I'm going to close for the night. I hope tomorrow is as great of a day as today was and I hope that the dam scale goes down some more!!!

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