Breakfast this morning was pretty similar to yesterday. I made a scramble with 2 egg whites, egg beaters, 2 slices of turkey lunch meat and a little onion. With it I had my greek yogurt with my 1 1/2 tbsp of oat bran mixed in.
Lunch- Ok so I'm starting to get bored with eating the same thing so I need to get a bit creative I think. Not sure what I'll make just yet, but I don't want to get burned out on chicken and yogurt. I heated up a roasted chicken breast from last night and I'll make a shake here in a bit. I need to make sure to get on the treadmill at some point but I also have some housework to get done. It's going to take getting used to having more things to do durring the day. I'm having company in a few days and I have so much to get done around the house. It's a total mess because I've been trying to spring clean and declutter. Unfortuantly in the process it's left me with stuff everywhere in piles! Some for donation, so to give to friends and some to throw away. Well talking about it, isn't getting it done so I better get moving!!
Finally got around to making a shake! I need to go to the store and get some more milk and some cottage cheese. Cottage cheese makes the shakes taste soooo good and I don't have any! I'm so happy that David went and got some propane so I can grill my stuff now!!! I love grilled food so it will help to break up the monatany of eating the same few things. Maybe tonight I will have some fish on the grill. I love the Swai fish and I've read that some people lose even faster when they eat alot of fish. The shake I made today was like a custard shake. I used ice, milk, splenda and pumpkin pie spice which just tastes like custard to me! Not too bad!
COOL FACT!!! I read this in the book! If you take a 77 degree shower on the parts of your body with the most heat (chest, arm pits, torso, legs, etc...) for 2 minutes then it burns about 100 calories!! No shit! I guess your body has to work hard to get your temp. back up! Gotta love that!! It said not to do it on your had or back because it wouldn't feel very good and it isn't as effective. I'm gonna have to give it a shot! It said the water should feel about like a dip in the ocean in the summer (or something like that!)
Was not in the mood at all for fish so I ended up grilled some lean pork loin chops (the bonesless white pork) and made a little sweet and sour sauce to go with it. It was quite good! Didn't look anywhere near as good as everyone else's burger and fries, but I didin't even pluck a fry! I'm proud of myself! The only down side is I haven't gotten on the treadmill today. I'll try to get on it but I'm so tired so I'm not sure.
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