HOLY SHIT!! I'm down a total of 4.2 pounds as of this morning!! I can't believe it! I truely can't! I didn't get in my treadmill workout yesterday and I was really fearfull that I didn't get in all my water so I totally dreaded getting on the scale this morning! I just knew it was going to go up. I'm still in shock that it not only went down, but went down that much!! I'm soo happy I could cry! Truely cry! Since I have been diagnosed with hypothyroid I have not been able to make that scale move down for nothing. I'm cautiously hopeful that this time is really going to be it!! I know I can stick to the plan, I just hope it will keep on working!!! WOW I'm just so happy right now!!! :o)
Breakfast this morning was the oatbran pancake and a usual egg scramble. Boy that pancake is really good! I added cinnamon and vanilla to it.
Lunch is a chicken salad and a cherry shake. The chicken salad is soooo good! I replaced the mayo with greek yogurt and once you mix in the dijon mustard and the dill relish and onion and spices it's just awesome!! I added in celery seed, dill, and red pepper. I also added in a hard boiled egg. I never would have thought it would turn out so good!! Yayyyy!! The shake I made with ff milk, ice and some cherry jello powder. It really takes away the cravings for something sweet and fruity!
Dinner tonight was just hum drum at best. I really didn't have any desire to eat at all and it was like 9:30 pm when I finally ate. I made a custard shake and I grilled a hamburger patty. I'm discovering as time goes on that I'm just not in to eating so much anymore. It's pretty weird, but I'm finding it really hard to eat anything. Well except breakfast, I always look forward to that meal! LOL!! Ah well , it's just food and as long as I can lose weight I frankly just don't give a shit if I want to eat it or not! I do know that I greatly look forward to saturday when I can have some veggies and salad!!!!! I wonder if the scale will move again in the morning? I realize that the day is going to come that it won't. I know taht over 4 pounds in 2 days is awesome, but I also know I have a long way to go and I'm in this for the long haul!
I am so proud of you! I really will have to check into this plan when I get home. 4 pounds in 3 days is sooo awesome and I am sooo jealous. Keep it up and I will be about a week and a half behind you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kat!! And that's 4 pounds in 2 days missy!! LOL!! I have a long way to go, but it's so exciting to see something working! I just hope it KEEPS working!! :o)
ReplyDeleteOops sorry my day counter was off :) I really think I need to start this when I get home. Gonna have to check out the shook version
ReplyDeleteLMAO!! I was just teasing you! When I posted it it was at the top of day 3 but I was just beginning that day. Honestly even if someone didn't want to do out the whole diet plan, the attack phase is really a great way to lose some pounds quick and get your body moving in the right direction!! Nothing has ever worked this well for me. I don't think NS even worked this quickly. But we'll see if it keeps up. I'm hopefull but I've really been let down alot in the past so I'm cautious too. Right now I'm just taking it day by day! :o)