Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 46??

I guess it would be day 46 except I've not been good and following the diet 100%. Don't know what got into me, but it needs to stop! I think I'm going to have to do the attack phase again just to get my mind and body back into it. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either and that's almost as bad since I was doing so well. I need to go to the grocery store to get some protein items to make it easier and I've been out of oat bran as well and not been good about eating it when I did have it! So today I will continue on, but I'm going to go into the dukan site and see what it says if I redo my info with my currant weight and see how many days of attack it tells me to do.

Ok well I went in and redid all my info and now it says my real weight is a couple pounds higher than last time but dang it, it tells me 7 days of attack phase again. Sigh.... that 7 days seems soooo long with no veggies!! LOL! Ok, I will go to the store tonight and get what I need to get this back on track again!!! 44 pounds to go! I CAN DO THIS!!!

Breakfast- omelet and turkey bacon

Lunch- hamburger patty and onion rings. (should not have had the onion rings, I totally forgot that today is not a veggie day.)

Dinner- Egg foo young and  jello

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