Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 31 and 32

Gosh I've been bad about posting lately!! Lets see if I can remember what I ate yesterday...

Breakfast- scrambled eggs, sliced tomato and turkey bacon

Lunch- Beef stew

Dinner- deconstructed cabbage rolls! I wanted cabbage rolls but didn't feel like messing with making them, so I cooked up some cabbage, topped it with a hamburger patty that I pan fried and topped that with the same sauce that I put on cabbage rolls. Wasn't the same but it was still pretty tasty!

Dessert was jello

Day 32- Tuesday- Can't decide what I want for breakfast yet. We had to get up really early this morning to take Brandon to work so I'd much rather be able to go back to bed rather than worry about breakfast! I'm getting pretty darn hungry though so I'll figure out something soon enough.

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