Wednesday, August 15, 2012

day 6 of attack

Kinda down today and not totally sure why. The scale moved a little (.6) so that brought me up to 5.2 pounds lost so I'm happy about that. I think eating the meatloaf I made for the family is slowing me down. I still haven't eaten today but since it's almost noon I really need to eat something. Last night one of my bosses was really upset so I came home and decided to make her some cupcakes to cheer her up. I went to the store and got the stuff and baked them and took them to her. It was nice to see her smile and be happy. I finally got to sleep around 3am or so. I was proud that I made them and didn't eat so much as a crumb. Today I want to make some home made cheez-its but those won't be hard to resist because I don't like cheese crackers. Maybe cooking a little will cheer me up. Or maybe I should go take a shower. After I eat I will decide. I got some wheat bran last night so I can bulk up my oat bran items. Maybe make a little cheese bread or something. I wish I had some turkey bacon or turkey sausage. Or maybe some turkey and cheese minis would hit the spot. Well off to do something. I need to get my ass outta this funky mood. I hate when I feel like this!!!

Ok so technically it's tomorrow because it's 2am but I have so much trouble with my sleeping patterns lately. I tried to go to sleep when David did around 11 but I just couldn't fall asleep and I remembered that I forgot to log in my food for dinner in my weight tracker program, so here I am. I did really well with food today and I hope I drank enough. I"m hoping for a scale movement tomorrow. Tomorrow is my last day of the attack phase thank god! I'm really ready for some veggies to change things up a bit! I'm just so determined to get out of the 200's once and for all! For my own sanity, I must do it!!! I have not seen anything below 200 in years and dam it I'm ready! I tried on a pair of jeans today that I never thought I'd wear again and they fit, but with a muffin top so I won't be wearing them in public until the muffin top is gone! I have no idea where the rest of my jeans are. Probably packed away in storage or in the attic. I wonder how long it will take before anyone at work notices that I'm losing weight. Probably at least a couple weeks if not a few weeks. People don't tend to pay much attention to other people. Hopefully I can get a new workout ball tomorrow since I can't seem to find mine anywhere. My store doesn't have any so maybe I'll hop over to Kmart and see if they have one in the 75cm that I want. I actually look forward to working out with the ball and hand weights again. Hopefully I won't fall off the dam thing this time!! I do look forward to the toning up that they provide though. Well now it's almost 2:30am and I really need to try to get some sleep since I have to work tomorrow.

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