Monday, September 12, 2011

Sooo busy!!

It's been a while since I've written but I've been so busy! I got the job at Walmart and it seemed to happen in a whirlwind! I updated application online and 2 days later they called me to come in for an interview a day or so later! I was so happy! I had to do the back ground check and drug screen and a day after that was done they called me and said everything came back and then it was on to the orientation! I've been working ever since. I think today will be my 4th day of working, but I just went on the register for the first time last night. I'm sure I will do much more of that tonight when I go in. The weekend was really tough food wise. I had to work from 8-5 and it was a challenge. I didn't follow the plan, but I did eat healthy and did the best I could. My usual shift will be from 6-11 (or so). That will be much easier to deal with food wise because I can eat dinner before I go to work and then I don't have to eat at all at work. Hopefully I can stay more on track that way. On the upside, I've gotten a ton more exercise over these past few days! That's always a good thing. I will write here as often as I can, but I'm not on the computer as much so it may not be everyday.

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